close-up on a whiteboard displaying company values on post-it notes

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We’ve all been there: The thankless job that grinds you down and makes every day a challenge. Sometimes it’s the job itself. After all, coal mining ain’t for the faint of heart.

But, in many cases, it’s the company’s culture that can squeeze the enthusiasm right out of you – or, if done right, can empower you to reach new heights of success. Let’s dig deeper into the impact of company culture.


What is Company Culture?

Company culture is the set of shared values, beliefs, and practices that evolves from the collective actions and attitudes of everyone on the team.

In other words, it’s the company’s personality.

Consider the atmosphere you want for your business. Is it collaborative? Innovative? Customer-centric? Defining your desired culture is the first step in building the kind that propels your brand to success.

The fact is, every company has a culture, whether it’s on purpose or not. And a positive culture has the power to drive a company’s success. In fact, the best companies to work for boast stock performances that are nearly 4 times better than the rest of the market.


Why Company Culture Matters

A strong company culture is like a compass aiming your employees towards your business’s goals. It impacts every member of your team. If that impact is positive, then it has the power to improve productivity across the board.

    • Work Harder, Innovate Faster: When employees trust their boss, they’re motivated to go above and beyond, leading to a more collaborative atmosphere that encourages innovative thinking and problem-solving.
    • Higher Employee Retention: When employees are engaged with the company culture, they’re more inclined to stay with the job. A positive and supportive work environment enhances job satisfaction, and lowers turnover rates.
    • Lower Instances of Burnout: A positive company culture significantly reduces burnout by helping employees maintain both their productivity and their mental health.

Let’s take a look at 5 strategies for building your own positive company culture:

coworkers sit around a wood conference table

Photo by Dylan Gillis

1: Establish Core Company Values

“Know thyself,” is a famous piece of advice – and it’s just as helpful when it comes to creating your company culture.

Know your company and what you want it to be. What are your business’s core values? These will make up the backbone of your company culture. They’ll guide behaviors and decision-making.

But it’s also important for leaders to do more than just talk the talk. To really set the tone for everyone on your team, you need to walk the walk. Employees often notice the disconnect between what you say and what you do. Set a good example for your team members, in order to start your company’s culture on the right foot.


2: Build a Foundation of Trust

Trust is a two-way street and, in a healthy company culture, it flows freely in both directions between the leadership and the employees. Trusting your employees makes them feel respected and valued. When employees feel trusted, they’re more likely to contribute ideas and solutions that drive the business toward success.


3: Set Clear Expectations

The first step for anyone to do a good job? Knowing what their job is. Sounds kind of obvious – and yet, research shows that only 50% of employees actually know what’s expected of them. With so much uncertainty, employees can easily become disengaged with their work.

To improve your company culture, provide detailed job descriptions and establish clear performance targets to avoid confusion. This goes beyond just assigning tasks – it includes equipping your employees with the tools they need to succeed. Make sure to invest enough time in training. Regularly review and communicate expectations to your employees, so everyone’s on the same page.

2 coworkers discuss something they see on the cell phone

Photo by Luis Villasmil

4: Recognize Employee Achievements

Celebrating your employees’ achievements is a powerful way to boost morale and build a supportive company culture. Recognition shows employees that their efforts are noticed and valued – which in turn motivates them to continue performing at their best.

In fact, employees who receive proper recognition for their contributions experience significantly lower burnout rates, reporting up to a 90% reduction in feelings of being overwhelmed at work.


5: Show Employees How Their Work Matters

Everyone likes to know that their work makes a difference. 70% of employees report that their personal sense of purpose is shaped by their work. When this work is perceived as meaningful, employees tend to perform better and exhibit greater commitment to their role.

By effectively connecting your employees’ daily tasks to the larger goals of the business, you provide your team members with a clear understanding of their jobs’ purpose.

This is a great way to foster engagement and motivation. When employees can see the tangible results of their efforts – whether it’s through metrics, customer feedback, or successful project completions – it helps them see just how their contributions impact the company’s success.


A Thriving Company Culture

Building a successful company culture is a continuous process that evolves right alongside the growth of your business. For small business owners and local entrepreneurs, a strong company culture can be a game-changer – it both enhances employee satisfaction and also sets your business apart from the others.

Another great way to stand out is with effective digital marketing. Here at Smart Link Solutions, our experts can help you stand out online – in fact, we’ve been helping local businesses succeed in the digital world since 1994.

We offer plenty of options:

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