Social media’s impact on SEO has been a long-standing debate in the digital marketing industry. While several studies have shown that social media does not directly impact your search engine ranking, it does indeed have an indirect influence on your rank. Here are just a few of the ways that social media can influence SEO.


social media and seo Increase Visibility

Optimized business pages on your social accounts also show up in search results which gives you a boost in visibility. Your rating on these social sites also appears below your link which could encourage users to visit your page to learn more.

Social media is also a great way to expand your reach without relying solely on specific keywords. This means that you can reach people who may not have been aware that they even needed your product or service. Not only can these result in more leads, it can also result in more social shares which could positively impact your SEO strategy.


Boost Traffic

Traffic to your site is a very important factor in your search engine ranking. As you share valuable content on social media, boost visibility, and increase engagement you will naturally see an increase in traffic to your website.


Improve Local SEO

It is very important that your business’ contact information is consistent across all platforms. Search engines like to see this consistency as it boosts your credibility. Geo-tagging on platforms that allow you to do so also increases your chances of getting in front of your local audience. This is a really great way to improve your local seo.

So, does social media really impact SEO? To a certain extent, it absolutely does.

If you have not yet built a solid social media strategy as part of your marketing efforts, now is definitely the time to do so. Contact Smart Link Solutions today if you are ready to grow your business with a well-managed social media program.