a broken Oreo cookie next to a large cookies n' cream drink

Photo by Pixzolo Photography

Running a local business and looking to make your mark? Where do you start?

Brand identity.

But what is it? And how do you create one that’ll resonate with your audience?

We recently discussed the pitfalls of bad brand identity, and now feels like a great time to turn our attention to the big advantages that come when you aim your efforts in the right direction – and how building an effective brand identity can define your success for years to come.


What is Brand Identity?

Brand identity encompasses all the visual and emotional aspects that represent your business. From the colors and imagery you use to the tone of voice in your ads and communications with the public, brand identity shapes how your audience sees your business.

Colorful and playful?

Sleek and elegant?

Hard-edged and sturdy?

It’s the overall feeling your company conveys – and the most effective brand identity leaves a lasting impression that sticks with your customers.


The Elements of Brand Identity

Let’s break down the major components that make up an effective brand identity:

    • Name: Your brand name is the foundation of your identity. It should be memorable and easy to pronounce. A strong brand name can set the tone for your company’s entire image. Think of iconic names like Apple, Nike, or Google—simple, yet impactful.
    • Logo: Your logo acts as a symbol of your business, appearing on all your marketing materials, products, and online platforms. It should be striking, unique, and easily recognizable.
    • Colors: Each color evokes different emotions and can influence consumer behavior. For instance, blue often represents trust and reliability, while red signifies excitement and urgency. Choose a color palette that reflects your brand’s tone, and use it consistently across all touchpoints.
    • Fonts: The font you choose can say a lot about your brand. Serif fonts like Times New Roman convey tradition and reliability, while sans-serif fonts like Arial suggest modern sleekness and simplicity. But whichever font you choose, make sure it’s easy to read.
    • Visual Content: Visual content like images, graphics, and videos can really define the way your audience sees you. Grab their attention, stand out, and (as always) be consistent.
    • Interactive Elements: Interactive elements like quizzes, polls, and animated infographics can engage your audience, making your company feel more relatable and approachable.
    • Language in Slogans and Ads: The language you use in your company slogan and advertisements should ideally reflect your brand’s personality. Whether it’s amusingly witty, eloquently high-class, or downhome friendly, make sure that it resonates with your target audience.


a leather Ray-Ban glasses case displays effective brand identity

Photo by Djalil Kun


Steps to Building an Effective Brand Identity

Creating an effective brand identity requires some planning. Here are the steps to get you started:

1: Analyze Your Company and the Market

Before you start building anything, it’s always a good idea to get the lay of the land first. Start with a look at your company’s SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats). This will give you a good overview of where your business stands, and help you understand what sets you apart from the competition. Focus on that, and you can define your unique selling proposition.

2: Determine Your Business Goals

Are you aiming to increase brand awareness? Drive sales? Build customer loyalty? Your brand identity, as a way of putting the right foot forward, should always support your business objectives.

3: Identify Your Customers

Understanding your target audience – the folks you’re selling to – is key to creating an effective brand identity that packs the most punch. Gather insights into your customers’ needs, preferences, and behaviors. Create buyer personas to represent your ideal customers and tailor your brand identity to appeal to them. In other words, preach to the choir!

4: Figure Out Your Brand’s Personality and Message

Here’s where the rubber hits the road. Your brand’s personality and central message are two major aspects of its identity. Whether it’s friendly, authoritative, playful, or high-class, your brand’s personality will let potential customers know what kind of experience you’ll provide them.


Why Does Brand Identity Matter?

It may be at this point that you’re wondering why all this is such a big deal. Surely, the quality of goods and services is all that matters. And, yes absolutely, that’s important. But so’s your brand identity.

A quick story about Hydrox.

It was a chocolate sandwich cookie with a cream filling that debuted in 1908. If you think that sounds a lot like an Oreo, you’re right.

Oreos came out later – in 1912 – they were an obvious copy of Hydrox. But Oreos had a fun, sweet sounding name. Meanwhile, Hydrox sounds like some kind of industrial cleaner. Combine that with the fact that Oreos put way more into their advertising, and how they presented themselves to the public, and you get a clear winner.

More than a hundred years later and everyone’s heard of Oreos. Hydrox? Not so much.

Even though the cookies weren’t all that different, Oreo had the more effective brand identity than Hydrox.


a pile of Hydrox cookies next to some almonds and candies

Photo by Tamanna Rumee

The Central Question

There’s a central question lurking in the mind of every potential customer:

Why should I buy from you and not the other guy?

In many cases, your brand’s identity tips the scale in favor of the customer choosing you over your competitors – because they prefer the name of your brand, the design of your logo, the striking colors of your vehicles, or any of combo of the many ways you present your company to the public.

Every business has its own way of doing things. Your brand identity should reflect your unique approach and values. By staying true to that, you can build a strong base of loyal customers, and become a powerful presence in the market.


Effective Brand Identity Has the Answer

Building an effective brand identity is essential for the success of your business. It helps forge a lasting impression and a loyal customer base. By understanding the elements of brand identity, and following the steps to create your own, you can set your business apart and thrive in today’s competitive marketplace.

Ready to take your brand to the next level?  Smart Link Solutions offers personalized guidance on building an effective brand identity

Our experts will help you refine your brand and achieve your business goals – in fact, we’ve been helping businesses succeed in the digital world since 1994. We offer many cutting-edge services, including:

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To learn more, call 866 – 757 – 5100 or visit Smart Link Solutions!


Netflix logo on a building at dusk

Photo by Venti Views